Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Consistency in Dieting

Did you know that most people make dieting much harder than needed? Starting out with a nutrition plan needs to be pretty simple. Doing too much at once makes the job much tougher. The best way to begin changing the way we eat is to stop looking at food as being either good or bad. Instead, look at food as bringing you toward your goal or away from it. Start eating more of what brings you to your objective, but don't get down on yourself if you eat something less beneficial.
Realistically, the main focus should be to become consistent. Practice making better and better choices. The more we practice, the more we become consistent.

Finally, a key to  making your diet goals a reality is to keep the goal the goal. If you want to loose "X" pounds then keep that the focus. You may have setbacks and slow weeks but keep at it. Remain focused on that goal. Be happy with all the little victories that get you to that goal. Several small goals become a large goal through consistency. Consistency gets you into that healthy body.

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